“Our mission is to bring quality products to market that help people age more healthily”

LifeTime Resveratrol Gel

The first of these products is LifeTime Resveratrol Gel made of Resveratrol, a powerful anti-oxidant that helps to prevent ageing and age related diseases.

Resveratrol is present in the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, mulberries and japanese knotweed . It is synthesized in plants to help protect against physical harm, infection, and disease. Interestingly, it helps to protect us as well! Conveniently packed in a carton of 30 sachets, making it easy to take as a diet supplement on a daily basis. Each sachet contains 400mgs of 99% pure Trans Resveratrol


Benefits of Resveratrol include:

Promoting healthy ageing

Relieving joint pain

Reducing inflammation

Maintaining cardiovascular health

“It is almost impossible, to get the recommended dose of Resveratrol from food alone. For example, you would need to drink about 170 glasses of red wine each day to get the equivalent  amount of Resveratrol”